Avatar: The Experience
2022 - Gardens By The Bay (Singapore)
Avatar: The Experience at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay takes animatronic technology to an entirely new level. Working closely with creative technologists, I developed the climactic banshee experience, including the world's first-ever AI-driven robotic figure. Guests within a massive indoor botanical garden enter the rookery, where they are overcome with the sounds of a flock of mountain banshees. They then find themselves face-to-face with a protective mother who tracks them in real time, reacting to their words, gestures, and to the environment around her. When a Pandoran researcher approaches with her chick, the maternal instinct kicks in, and the figure coos lovingly and hisses at anyone who gets too close.
Guests have been blown away by the uniqueness and intimacy of the experience, with over 100,000 visitors in the first month.